About Us
CARET: Collaboration for Analytics Research, Education, and Technology
Established in 2012, in response to the increase in demand for people with data & analytics skills, the CARET project brings together post-secondary institutions, industry, and government partners in Nova Scotia, Canada. The project aims to be a catalyst for curriculum development and applied research by emphasizing technology innovation and data analytics work among its member institutions. With six university partners and the Nova Scotia Community College, the CARET project network provides access to researchers, faculty and students throughout Nova Scotia.

Our Objective
The objective of the CARET project is to develop and implement a model of cooperation that enhances education, training and research collaboration in the areas of data analytics and optimization in Nova Scotia and across the region. Nova Scotia’s post-secondary educational institutions are engaged as key partners in research and development for the creation of essential skills and applications.
"Together, we are building the pipeline of superior technical talent in Nova Scotia."
Our Provincial Network
The benefit of the CARET consortium is its province-wide network of campuses that allows for greater collaboration by researchers, faculty, students, businesses, and local communities throughout Nova Scotia. CARET offers opportunities for collaborative research and the optimization of assets; access to educational resources, training, and experiential-based learning opportunities through a network of technology-focused programs. The CARET project fosters entrepreneurial-thinking, innovation and creativity by promoting curriculum development and applied research in areas of emerging technologies.